Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bro. Jason Kendrick

Bro. Jason is a outstanding preacher, he loves God and the work of God. Well, anyway he owns a tent and lets pastors use it for there meetings. I meet him many years ago and he just preached right down my alley. I haven't seen them in five years, then we walk into church and there he and his family were, sitting there. It was very good to see them. Bro.Buddy let him preach tonight. He preached on being still and letting God speak to you. It was very good preaching. Grace and I have been good friend also. The video at the bottom is of Grace singing and Bro.Kendrick playing the guitar.On that note of the tent business he has a big truck that caries is and a platform, chairs,sound system and light to light the tent at night,Well the tag runs out this September and he has to get it renuded if he wants to keep using the tent if you would like to donate money to get this tag it would really help him. If you want to please leave me a comment and your e-mail address and I will e-mail you my address so you can help him get the money to get the tag.


  1. Hey Paige....
    I loved the vidio...thanks for posting. I miss you sooo much. Hope to see you soon or hear from you soon. I'll have to call you soon.
    Halle <3

  2. Wow! Jason & Jody are my uncle/aunt. That's so cool to see others who know about his preaching. =D
