Thursday, June 10, 2010

The crazy me!!!!!!!

Well I thought I would do a post of the side of me y'all don't normally see. This is the normal me your going to see in the pictures below goofy, wild, and crazy. I have the goofy, crazy side, and then there's the serious and loving side of me.

I think my tongue is sticking out the farthest!!!

Riding the horse till I get sore.And still I want more.

This is one of those life is full of fun times.

The loving moments.

How could you not just LOVE kids? Well, now sometimes I LOVE acting like I'm a kid again.

Sweet bumper cars!
Fast! Fast! Build it here comes a wave.

Who couldn't be crazy and not eat s'mores

Got to be cool 24/7!!!!!!
Big teddy bear hugs!

I don't know what I took the picture for?
So, leave a comment after you read the whole post
and maybe you would have figured it out for me.


I tried picking up a five hundred pound horse couldn't do it,
so I retreated to my brother, a few less pounds I guess!!!!
I had the bear tackled for long enough to take the picture, see how much bigger his paws are than mine well think... how big his body must have been but then again I do this kind of stuff every day so don't sweat.

Another great invention of mine.....................OK enough of the clapping (I bow in thanks) I'm going to pass them out at the next school I preform at . Yes I'm famous like that!

Yes I'm a clown by heart with a fifteen year old costume I wear around.
Yes its hard to believe but that is really me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow!! I found another normal person (chuckle)


  2. Aww.. Thanks for posting! I have to say I can relate to a lot of those times in my life!!!


  3. A very fun and sweet crazy you :) Thanks for sharing such fun pics;) Love you!
